Rimi Takes Over as the New Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Industry …. Promise to achieve 8-points Agenda through Teamwork

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The newly appointed Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Ambassador Nura Abba Rimi has assumed duty today 17th January, 2024 with the promise to achieve the eight-point Agenda of the Renewed Hope of President Tinubu’s administration through teamwork
Ambassador Rimi made the promise today in Abuja, on the assumption of duty in his new Office
According to him, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment is very central to the Renewed Hope Agenda of the present administration’s 8-Point Agenda, of which six out of the 8-Point Agenda are domiciled in the Ministry.
“We should therefore look at the Ministry as very central and key to the implementation of this government’s agenda” he said.
He therefore implored the Directors to be completely loyal and also work as a team because as team the players, will accomplish and implement the policies of the Federal Government together including the set objectives of the Ministry.
Speaking further, he said that it is one of the Ministry’s mandate to put an end to poverty in the country and he pledge to ensure that it is achieved to a great level.
Earlier, the Director Human Resources, Dr. Mimi Abu welcomed him on behalf of all the Directors and other management staff of the Ministry, she assured him of their maximum support to enable the Ministry achieve its primary and set objectives.

Ozokwelu Nonye N.
For: Director Press & Public Relations