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Industrial Inspectorate Department

Issuance of Acceptance Certificates
Issuance of Production Day Certificates
Issuance of Certificate of Value
Issuance of Customs Clearance Certificates
Fixed Assets Valuation
Post Landing Charges Certification

Weights and Measures Department

Weighing Scale Verification Certification
Pattern Approval Certificate
Issuance of Certificate of Competency
Waiver not to comply with Provisions of Weights and Measures
Exemption from Regulation Approval

Federal Produce Inspectorate Service

Export Expansion Grant (EEG) Processing
Issuance of Export Clearance Permit Certificates
Produce Warehouse Registration
Produce Certification
Ship Hold Fumigation
Establishment of National Commodity Association

Investment Promotion Department

Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (IPPA) Processing
Production day Certificates
Certificate of Value
Customs clearance Certificate
Fixed assets valuation for Government Agencies
Post landing charges

Trade Department

Hosting of Trade Fairs/Exhibition Approval

Professional Departments

Service Departments

promote economic growth

boost industrialization

Recent Activities